domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Describing a photo

       This picture was made in Benidorm ( Alicante) last summer. In this picture there are three persons two of them are my best friends. The man who is on the left of the picture is called Pablo, He is 18 years old, he is taller than me, he lives in Santomera, village near Murcia. He is studiying computer science in Murcia. He is so kind, cheerful, clever and a bit mad. He is wearing a tracksuit, and a sunglasses.  

The girl who is in the middle is called Andrea, She is 18 years old, she is smaller than me. She lives in Albacete, but now she is living and studiying in Valencia, She would like to be an artist. She is very intelligent, pacient, nice, and so lovely. She is wearing pantis and a black t-shirt.

Finally, on the right of the picture it´s me, I´m 18 years old too, I live in Murcia and I´M studiying English language due to I would like to be an English teacher. I´m so kind, a bit impatient, affectionate, amusing and clever.   

These are my best friends since we were childs due to our mothers met during her studies at University of Murcia. We love travel that´s why we went to Benidorm and becacuse We wanted to celebrate that we are at Unitersity. During that day We were walked around Benidorm to visit it.   


This essay is about my best friend´s birthday which was celebrated last saturday in Albacete, she reached 18.

She is from Albacete, but now she is studying in Valencia, so we prepared her party in Albacete with all her family and her other friends who live in it. Some friends and I have to catch a bus to go there, it took us two hours, when we ariived her mum piched us up and take us to a bar to decirate it and waiting for my friend whiles she was walked around her city with her friends. We bought some streamer, ballons and confettis. Before she arrived , we were hidden behind the counter. At the end se arrived and she told us that it was a nice surprise for her becuase she thought celebrate her birthday other day. After that we had dinner in the bar where we had been decorated all the afternoon. Finally, we gave her our presents which were a beret, due to she would like to be an artist, a water pipe , a poster with some pictures of three. Therefore , We drank a bit alcohol and dance too.

Finally, I think it was a great day, and the most important she enjoyed her day as a child, with her cousins, her uncles, her mum, her bother and of course her firends. It was a wonderful party and day.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Problem and solution paragraph

I had a friend that he does not speak with his mother because she lied him. One day his mother told him that she went to abroad with her best friend. However, the same day a friend of him, who live in Madrid, said to him that he had seen her mother with a man walking around Retiro park in Madrid, at the beginning muy friend could not believe it, but two hours later he saw her mother´s best friend eating in a restaurant with her husband, her son and her daughter. When his mother came back, my friend saw her some pictures where she was walking around Retiro park with a man. she was eating in a restaurant in the centre of Madrid etc, so he asked her what those pictures means and why she had lied him as she could not tell him what it was happend certenly, my friend decided to stop speaking with his mother.

One solution to this problem must be his mother speak with him and told him the truth about that trip and why she lied him, but my friend don´t want to speak with her, so he don´t look at her mother, he don´t answer her called, her whatsapp etc. In adittion he isn´t livinh in his house with his mother, he is very upset that´s ehy he decided not to go to school at this moment. However, the best solution I think that they must go to a psichologist to solve this problem because I know my friend love his mother a lot.

Introduction and conclusion paragraph

Using the internet is a good way to search something quickly and to have social networks such as: Facebook , Twitter etc. for chatting with some people who live away. However, internet, specially the social networks can be adicttive, so be careful with it and the less you use it the less adicttion for you.

Finally, I think that the internet and social networks is one of the best new technologie that it have created by human, In adittion one of the best social advancement was you can speak with other people who live away, but sometimes can create some adicttion.

Outline: Broken home

1- Broken home is a family where one of them does not work well

2- Causes

  •  problems between mother and father 
  •  death mother
  •  alcoholic`s parents     

3- Consecuences

  • their children don´t continue studying 
  • unsociable children 
  • nightmare of what the saw 
4-  Conclusion

    Finally, when some family doesn´t work well means that they have several problems can affetc to their children for example: they don´t continue studuying or they have not any friend because they can be afraid of somebody. That´s whay some of them need a psichologist to solve their problems