martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Poem of 15 Vers

Fear of raining cats and dogs while I´m driving

Fear of finding the one and not loving her enough

Fear of living alone

Fear of not being a good English teacher

Fear of living with friends in a house

Fear of my own decisions

Fear of knowing new people

Fear of my feelings

Fear of dogs

Fear of looking after somebody

Fear of falling in love

Fear of life

Fear of not seeing you everyday

Fear of not being able to make you happy

Proud of doing whatever I want

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

The Comenius Project

This essay is about The Comenius project, The Comenius project is an exchange among people of differents countries. Moreover, the comenius project was celebreted in my school, IES CASCALES, few years ago and I did it, that´s why I´m writing about it.

First of all, In The Comenius project, I went to Germany, specially in the north of Germany, I went to a village whose name was Wanermunde, it was near from Hamburg. When I arrived at the airport of Hamburg, my friend whose name was Henry , like me , who are taller than me , he was 16 years old and he had got blond hair , told me a socked sentence that said: "If it´s 15 or 17 degrees in Murcia, here it´s 15 or 17 degrees below cero , but don´t worry because at the end of The week , the degrees will be higher about 14 or 13 degrees below cero".

Then, we went to his house which was very big,  with his parents and his brother. My bedroom was very big. Everyday we had to take a train to go to his school and we had to wait the train while it was snowing and it was so cold. A part from that we did a lot of activities , one of the best was ice-skating , I fell down twice, but we did other activities such as visiting the village sorrounded by the snow, we went to go shopping, and we visited Hamburg too. However,  the best  was when my friend´s mother talked to me about Hitler and the things that he did during the second world war and she asked me if we studied in history about it.

Finally, I think that this activitie  is one of the best experience that I have done in my life, because you know a lot of peple , you visit other countries and you can know about other costumes. If I could, I would repeat it every year.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Typical food of Spain

This text is about the typical food of my country, which is Spain. In Spain We´ve got differents types of food, but the most famous are:  Paella, Gazpacho, Migas and Tortilla de Patatas. This type of food is from a different place of Spain such as Paella, is from Valencia specially, where  is in the east of Spain, is made with some rice and some shellfish. Gazpacho, is from Andalucia where is in the south of Spain, is made with some bread, if you can put in it, and with some vegetables for example: cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, red pepper etc. Migas are made in all parts of Spain, but specially in the centre of the country or places where are far from the beach, because Migas are made when it´s rainning and it´s very cold, are made,  depends on the place,  with some bread or with some flour with potatoes, onions, some sausages too etc. The last famous typical food of Spain are Tortilla de Patatas, which are made in all the country and are made with eggs and potatoes. Finally, I think that Spain is one of the best places where there are an enormous variety of food.