martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Typical food of Spain

This text is about the typical food of my country, which is Spain. In Spain We´ve got differents types of food, but the most famous are:  Paella, Gazpacho, Migas and Tortilla de Patatas. This type of food is from a different place of Spain such as Paella, is from Valencia specially, where  is in the east of Spain, is made with some rice and some shellfish. Gazpacho, is from Andalucia where is in the south of Spain, is made with some bread, if you can put in it, and with some vegetables for example: cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, red pepper etc. Migas are made in all parts of Spain, but specially in the centre of the country or places where are far from the beach, because Migas are made when it´s rainning and it´s very cold, are made,  depends on the place,  with some bread or with some flour with potatoes, onions, some sausages too etc. The last famous typical food of Spain are Tortilla de Patatas, which are made in all the country and are made with eggs and potatoes. Finally, I think that Spain is one of the best places where there are an enormous variety of food.

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