jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

Secret Friend at Christmas time

Some of my friends told that we had to make a secret friend at Christmas because it would be a great idea, it was our first time. We were 13 persons in the group and we have met since the high school.

First of all, We decided to stay together in Pedro´s house,one of my best friend, to have dinner and to give the presents each other. His is so big, is located in the centre of  Murcia, near University. We met at 8:30 but finally we arrived at 9 o´clock. We decided to make the food in own houses and then eating the food in our friend´s house. Every one prepared a different thing for exaple one of them took some pizza, other one made lasagne, another one made a delicious brownie, other  carried cider in fact we toasted for us and for New Year becuse I will not see them until at the end of Jannuary when I finished my exams. After the dinner, My friends suggested going to sum pubs around the centre, at the beggining i did not feel like dancing and drimking some alcohol but at the end I  danced a little bit and then I came home because I am so tired.

Finally, I spent a great night next to them because they are so funny, the love going to pubs as me and we got on well among us, there is not any problem, any argument etc, The are wonderful and awesome friends.    

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