jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

Secret Friend at Christmas time

Some of my friends told that we had to make a secret friend at Christmas because it would be a great idea, it was our first time. We were 13 persons in the group and we have met since the high school.

First of all, We decided to stay together in Pedro´s house,one of my best friend, to have dinner and to give the presents each other. His is so big, is located in the centre of  Murcia, near University. We met at 8:30 but finally we arrived at 9 o´clock. We decided to make the food in own houses and then eating the food in our friend´s house. Every one prepared a different thing for exaple one of them took some pizza, other one made lasagne, another one made a delicious brownie, other  carried cider in fact we toasted for us and for New Year becuse I will not see them until at the end of Jannuary when I finished my exams. After the dinner, My friends suggested going to sum pubs around the centre, at the beggining i did not feel like dancing and drimking some alcohol but at the end I  danced a little bit and then I came home because I am so tired.

Finally, I spent a great night next to them because they are so funny, the love going to pubs as me and we got on well among us, there is not any problem, any argument etc, The are wonderful and awesome friends.    

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

My favourite city

I have travelled a lot during my chilhood with my parents and I visited many cities like London. Paris, Florencia, Rome, Seville etc. but my favorite city is Barcelona.

I love Barcelona because it is a big city, it is near from the sea, In this city played my favourite football team which is FC Barcelona, but the main reason is because the most of my family live there such as my grandparents, my uncles and my cousisns, They live there because the had to leave their village which is Sierro because there, there is not any job for them. That´s why We used to spend Christmas in Barcelona until my grandparents deied.

I don´t know so much Bracelona because is too big and I used to stay there little time when a I was a child but the last time I stayed in Bracelona I went to Camp Nou to see my favorite football team which is Barcelona Fc. It is a nice and beautiful city. Barcelona was conquered by Romans, that is why there are many Romans monuments like Arco Del Triunfo, Murallas Romanas etc.In addition Gaudi who was an awesome architect built Batllo´s house in Barcelona.

Finally, I think barcelona is a wonderful city for live there because is near sea, is very beautiful, it is warm temperature during the summer and a little cold during the winter, it is big and plays my favourite footaball team.

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

A Great Visit

My uncles and my aunts who live in Bracelona, came to Murcia last Sunday and I could show them my city, its most important monuments and We ate in my favorite restaurant.

As at this Christmas I can not go to Barcelona. to visit and stay with them a fwe days, because I have got a lot of exams. They decided to came to Murcia by two main reasons one of them I wrote before and the other one is because they had some uncles and gradparents who live in Almeria, near from Murcia, so they decided to spend a day in Murca with us and then they go to Almeria.

Despite they stayed little time we could do many and different things for example I showed them the Cathedral , the townhall, Sta Clara´s museum etc, the we went to tagliatella´s restaurant wich is located in Romea. Then, we went to Thader because my aunts wanted to buy something, but my uncle and me, We spent this time playing with videogames in Games shop, while my cousin and my sister made some pictures in each different shops with a different trousers, they were so stupid.

I spent a very nice day because I saw my cousins and my uncles and because I enjoyed doing many things with them. It´s a shame that they only could stay until 11 o´clock.

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

My best friends

I have got a lot of friends but, my two best friends are called Andrea who is from Albacete and Pablo who is from Santomera, a Murcia´s village. We get on well.

We have met since we were born because our three mothers met during her studies, so have a very close relationship, though we have big diferences sometimes, we also have some similarities like we really like travelling, we went to Gemany last summer and to Benidorm too. however, these were the last trips we did, because we have done a lot of trips during our life, for example we went to London when we were childs, we went to Paris, specially, Disney Land.

My friend Andrea is 18 years old, she has short dark hair, she has brown eyes and she is thin. She loves painting that´s why she is studying Arts in Valencia, she also likes reading some japanese books like one piece, deah note etc. She is a bit stubborn, but she is son nice and cheerful.

My friend Pablo is 18 years old, he has very short dark hair, he has black eyes. He loves playing video games with the play station or the computer, this is the main reason why he decided to study computer science in Murcia, he also likes to make jokes, sometimes he may be so heavy but we laugh a lot with him, so he is so funny, cheerful and so affectionate.

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

My favourite film

I have seen a lot of  films in my life, but the best one is called "8 apellidos vascos" when Carmen Machi. Dani Rovira and Clara Lago played. I went to see the films with one of my best firned who is called Pablo. We saw at Thader´s cinema in Mircia.

This film criticisms the difference between people who live in the north of Spain and people who live in the south of Spain and also the attitude of the people who live in Pais Vasco which is a region located in the north of Spain. The films is about a relationship between two people, one is from the south, Seville, and the other is from the North, Argoitia, Pais Vasco. Dani Rovira is called Rafa, in the film, who fell in love with Clara Lago, who is called Amaia in the film. They met in Seville, but the next night she came back to Argoitia and Rafa decided to go there to have a relationship with her. Then he will know  Amaia's father and he will have to pretend that he is from the North.

I really like this film because I laughed a lot  because of the things that they said during the film for example when Rafa imitated the vasco´s accent. It was one of the best film I have seen.  

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Great bank holiday

This text is about what I have done during this bank holiday in my father´s village which is called Sierro and is located in Almeria in the south of Spain.

First of all, Sierro is a small village in the north of Almeria (Andalucia), It is sorrounding by mountains, moreover the village is located in slope of a mountain, Where there aren´t many people who live, almost 500 persons in winter, because most of them had to leave it to travel in other places like Barcelona , Madrid, Almeria etc but most of them come back in summer to visit their parents and their rest of family who live there. Sierro has a Islamic castle, a church and some supermarkets and a school, but there isn´t a high-school so children have to go to the next village to go to high-school. The most of the population from Sierro are old men about from 60 to 80 years old.

In spite of that, during the winter The mayor of the village prepares some activities to spend the time during the coldest winter, one of the most important it was celebrated this weekend when some of top models from Almeria came to Sierro to show us some of their new clothes for the winter. Models were so beautiful and it was a great night, although I couldn´t make any picture with them. After that, the village´s muscians played some songs for us and the majority of people began to dance. I went to show the file and dance too,  the rest of bank holiday I have beedn studiying or walking around the village with my sister and my parents.  

Finally, It is a nice village where you can scape form the routine and from the noise for the city, and there are some woderful actuvities during the winter to do somthing funny during this period of time.  

Contrasting paragraph

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who say that it is better living in a city than living in a village. but some of them say that because they was born in a city so they can´t say what is better. However, there are more disadvantages to live in a village than to live in a city, due to you need a car to be able to do whatever you want, such as going to the disco with your friends, go shopping, go to the cinema etc.

First of all, there are several disadvantages to live in a village because you need a car to do something such as if you want to go to cinema or if you want to go shoppping and it means you have to spend more money due to you have to pay the petrol for the car. In addition, there aren´t so many pubs around the village to go out with your friends, that´s why most of them decided to go out by the city.

In contrast, there are some advanteges to live in a village than to live in a city, for example you can sleep without any noise because there aren´t discos or pubs around the village so anybody can´t disturb you during friday´s and saturday´s night. Furthermore, there isn´t pollution as in the city so you can do some exercise arounde the village like running, bicycling or just walk around the village without traffic.

In conclusion, I think that it is better living in a city than living in a village bacuse you have several things near from you like discos, shops, cinemas, restaurants etc However I think that having a house in a village is a gret idea to scape to the routine or some noises during the nights or the traffic.  

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Describing a photo

       This picture was made in Benidorm ( Alicante) last summer. In this picture there are three persons two of them are my best friends. The man who is on the left of the picture is called Pablo, He is 18 years old, he is taller than me, he lives in Santomera, village near Murcia. He is studiying computer science in Murcia. He is so kind, cheerful, clever and a bit mad. He is wearing a tracksuit, and a sunglasses.  

The girl who is in the middle is called Andrea, She is 18 years old, she is smaller than me. She lives in Albacete, but now she is living and studiying in Valencia, She would like to be an artist. She is very intelligent, pacient, nice, and so lovely. She is wearing pantis and a black t-shirt.

Finally, on the right of the picture it´s me, I´m 18 years old too, I live in Murcia and I´M studiying English language due to I would like to be an English teacher. I´m so kind, a bit impatient, affectionate, amusing and clever.   

These are my best friends since we were childs due to our mothers met during her studies at University of Murcia. We love travel that´s why we went to Benidorm and becacuse We wanted to celebrate that we are at Unitersity. During that day We were walked around Benidorm to visit it.   


This essay is about my best friend´s birthday which was celebrated last saturday in Albacete, she reached 18.

She is from Albacete, but now she is studying in Valencia, so we prepared her party in Albacete with all her family and her other friends who live in it. Some friends and I have to catch a bus to go there, it took us two hours, when we ariived her mum piched us up and take us to a bar to decirate it and waiting for my friend whiles she was walked around her city with her friends. We bought some streamer, ballons and confettis. Before she arrived , we were hidden behind the counter. At the end se arrived and she told us that it was a nice surprise for her becuase she thought celebrate her birthday other day. After that we had dinner in the bar where we had been decorated all the afternoon. Finally, we gave her our presents which were a beret, due to she would like to be an artist, a water pipe , a poster with some pictures of three. Therefore , We drank a bit alcohol and dance too.

Finally, I think it was a great day, and the most important she enjoyed her day as a child, with her cousins, her uncles, her mum, her bother and of course her firends. It was a wonderful party and day.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Problem and solution paragraph

I had a friend that he does not speak with his mother because she lied him. One day his mother told him that she went to abroad with her best friend. However, the same day a friend of him, who live in Madrid, said to him that he had seen her mother with a man walking around Retiro park in Madrid, at the beginning muy friend could not believe it, but two hours later he saw her mother´s best friend eating in a restaurant with her husband, her son and her daughter. When his mother came back, my friend saw her some pictures where she was walking around Retiro park with a man. she was eating in a restaurant in the centre of Madrid etc, so he asked her what those pictures means and why she had lied him as she could not tell him what it was happend certenly, my friend decided to stop speaking with his mother.

One solution to this problem must be his mother speak with him and told him the truth about that trip and why she lied him, but my friend don´t want to speak with her, so he don´t look at her mother, he don´t answer her called, her whatsapp etc. In adittion he isn´t livinh in his house with his mother, he is very upset that´s ehy he decided not to go to school at this moment. However, the best solution I think that they must go to a psichologist to solve this problem because I know my friend love his mother a lot.

Introduction and conclusion paragraph

Using the internet is a good way to search something quickly and to have social networks such as: Facebook , Twitter etc. for chatting with some people who live away. However, internet, specially the social networks can be adicttive, so be careful with it and the less you use it the less adicttion for you.

Finally, I think that the internet and social networks is one of the best new technologie that it have created by human, In adittion one of the best social advancement was you can speak with other people who live away, but sometimes can create some adicttion.

Outline: Broken home

1- Broken home is a family where one of them does not work well

2- Causes

  •  problems between mother and father 
  •  death mother
  •  alcoholic`s parents     

3- Consecuences

  • their children don´t continue studying 
  • unsociable children 
  • nightmare of what the saw 
4-  Conclusion

    Finally, when some family doesn´t work well means that they have several problems can affetc to their children for example: they don´t continue studuying or they have not any friend because they can be afraid of somebody. That´s whay some of them need a psichologist to solve their problems                                      

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

My experience in New York

This essay is about my travel to New York. I went to New York few yaers ago when I was 15 years old. I´ve been there during a week.

I went to New York, where I haven´t ever been before, with my cousin, my uncle and some of their students. They were older than my uncle and I, they were 17 or 18 years old. I stayed in a house with a family and my firend was older than me too, so I was the youngest and I felt like that. We lived in the suburbs , it took us 15 minuts to go to New York by car.

We did a lot of and different things like doing some activities at their school, one of them was paying attention in their English class, but at the beginning I didn´t understand anything, we went to the theatre, we went to go shopping to a great shops , where I spent a lot of money. However, the best activitie was when we visited New York , it was an awesome city , it was a huge city which had got a lot of high buildings with some publicity and some lights in it, there were many people who can speak Spanish and there were many hot dogs kiosks at the streets.

One of the best thing of the travel were the nights, because our friends had got their own cars so we wen to other houses by cars for drink a bit alcohol and danced a lot. Besides, in the houses there was a swimming pool that´s why we decided to swim in it one night, by the way , that night was the best.

Finally, I think that travel was one of the best in my life, because I met a lot of people, I did wonderful activities, I learnt a lot of English and this travel changes my style of life.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Opnion paragraph

This essay is about dogs mustn´t be in parks. Last week I saw how a dog beat a child who was playing football with his friends, the dog was loose , so I think that dogs can´t be loose in parks while there are some children who are playing with their friends or some people who are walking around the park. Therefore in my opinion the best option for all would be doing a specific park where dogs could play and run around the park without disturb people.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

A Nice Surprise

 This essay is about my experience in the Camp Nou where Barça beat 4-0 Elche.

 My cousins and my uncles live in Barcelona so some christmas we go to Barcelona to see them.        Moreover, my uncle and my cousin like football, like me, our team is Barça. Two christmas ago we  went to Barcelona and in this case Barça had to play against Elche that´s why my uncle and my cousin decided to take me to the Camp Nou to watch  the match. it was my firt time , the pitch was very big and we could see how Barça socred two goals in front of us, I filmed one of them.

Finally, I think that it was one of the best experience in my life. It was a nice surprise because all my famliy knew it except me so I enjoyed the day as a child.  

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Poem of 15 Vers

Fear of raining cats and dogs while I´m driving

Fear of finding the one and not loving her enough

Fear of living alone

Fear of not being a good English teacher

Fear of living with friends in a house

Fear of my own decisions

Fear of knowing new people

Fear of my feelings

Fear of dogs

Fear of looking after somebody

Fear of falling in love

Fear of life

Fear of not seeing you everyday

Fear of not being able to make you happy

Proud of doing whatever I want

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

The Comenius Project

This essay is about The Comenius project, The Comenius project is an exchange among people of differents countries. Moreover, the comenius project was celebreted in my school, IES CASCALES, few years ago and I did it, that´s why I´m writing about it.

First of all, In The Comenius project, I went to Germany, specially in the north of Germany, I went to a village whose name was Wanermunde, it was near from Hamburg. When I arrived at the airport of Hamburg, my friend whose name was Henry , like me , who are taller than me , he was 16 years old and he had got blond hair , told me a socked sentence that said: "If it´s 15 or 17 degrees in Murcia, here it´s 15 or 17 degrees below cero , but don´t worry because at the end of The week , the degrees will be higher about 14 or 13 degrees below cero".

Then, we went to his house which was very big,  with his parents and his brother. My bedroom was very big. Everyday we had to take a train to go to his school and we had to wait the train while it was snowing and it was so cold. A part from that we did a lot of activities , one of the best was ice-skating , I fell down twice, but we did other activities such as visiting the village sorrounded by the snow, we went to go shopping, and we visited Hamburg too. However,  the best  was when my friend´s mother talked to me about Hitler and the things that he did during the second world war and she asked me if we studied in history about it.

Finally, I think that this activitie  is one of the best experience that I have done in my life, because you know a lot of peple , you visit other countries and you can know about other costumes. If I could, I would repeat it every year.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Typical food of Spain

This text is about the typical food of my country, which is Spain. In Spain We´ve got differents types of food, but the most famous are:  Paella, Gazpacho, Migas and Tortilla de Patatas. This type of food is from a different place of Spain such as Paella, is from Valencia specially, where  is in the east of Spain, is made with some rice and some shellfish. Gazpacho, is from Andalucia where is in the south of Spain, is made with some bread, if you can put in it, and with some vegetables for example: cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, red pepper etc. Migas are made in all parts of Spain, but specially in the centre of the country or places where are far from the beach, because Migas are made when it´s rainning and it´s very cold, are made,  depends on the place,  with some bread or with some flour with potatoes, onions, some sausages too etc. The last famous typical food of Spain are Tortilla de Patatas, which are made in all the country and are made with eggs and potatoes. Finally, I think that Spain is one of the best places where there are an enormous variety of food.